A book coach is more than an editor or beta reader. As a coach, I am here to assist and support you throughout the entire writing and publishing process, or whatever parts of the process you want a coach for. Book coaches provide extensive and in-depth feedback, but are also there for emotional support, accountability, project management, helping you through the challenges, and celebrating the victories!
For writers looking to dip their toes into coaching
Feedback on a 1-page worksheet
You will be given a 1-page worksheet that will ask you to think deeply about the foundation of your novel/story idea. This includes elements like genre, why you want to write this story, your ideal reader, and a broad idea of your plot and characters.
You will receive in-line feedback comments that show which elements are solid and which need a bit more work.
Feedback on 30 pages of your manuscript
You will receive an editorial summary for the opening of your manuscript (up to 30 pages) that includes an overview of the strengths and weaknesses.
30-minute Coaching Call
After receiving all feedback, we will meet on a call to discuss the feedback, any questions you have, and next steps.
a one-time payment of $100
For writers who want to develop and explore the roots of their story
Initial Coaching Call
We will meet at the start to discuss the process, expectations, goals, and any questions you have.
The Workbook
You will receive a 16-step workbook based on Author Accelerator's Blueprint for a Book. This includes extensive exercises that will make you think deeply about all of the important foundational elements of your novel.
The workbook will be split into 6 deadlines.
For each deadline, you will receive in-line comments on the strengths and weaknesses of each element, along with suggestions for how to make a shaky part of the foundation more secure.
60-minute Coaching Call
After receiving feedback on all deadlines, we will meet on a call to discuss the feedback, any questions you have, and next steps.
a one-time payment of $1000 or $170/deadline
For writers who have a plan and are ready to start writing
Initial Coaching Call
We will meet at the start to discuss the process, expectations, goals, and any questions you have.
You will write pages of your novel and submit them according to a deadline schedule. This schedule can be customized upon request, but the usual is having a deadline one to two times per month.
For each deadline, you will receive in-line comments and an editorial summary on the strengths and weaknesses of the story so far, including suggestions for improvement.
30-minute Coaching Calls
Each deadline includes a coaching call to discuss the feedback and suggestions, and next steps for continuing the story.
60-minute Coaching Call
Upon the completion of the draft, we will have a 60-minute call to discuss the manuscript as a whole and the potential steps to take moving forward.